Sunday, November 4, 2007

Normal??? Ya, Right!

Ok, so I really don't have much to update my blog with; life is normal...or as normal as it can be. These past few weeks I have really been enjoying hanging with some friends from highschool; we all live within a short distance of each other and it's weird how only lately that we have decided to make an effort to see each other. I have also been attending College and Career at Ebenezer Church a couple of times and it has been really good. I like the fact that I can get out of my little "small town bubble" and meet nice, christian people.....and yes, the men have crossed my mind, but nothing has happened.....yet. Just kidding, anyways that's all I have to say right now, maybe if I do something exciting like....oh I don't know, maybe go skydiving I'll let you know, but until then have a good one!


Kim said...

I like the pics Steph. Love you!!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.