Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ok so finally I am actually sitting down and updating my blog, after many complaints that I am not being "current" enough. Just for all of your information I am still working at Bethany College as maintaince/custodian and I am still liking it, which I have attributed to the fact that I get along with who I work with....thanks Rhonda!

Quite a bit has happened in the last 4 months since I have updated: I am currently still living at home, I have the same job and have managed to keep my car running....ok so maybe nothing has changed. But wait! I did get a chance to meet Michael Buble in person ( & go to the concert) and go to Edmonton for some muchly anticipated shopping. So that counts right? Anyways March brings a busy month; there's two weddings, a Rascal Flatts concert and Easter; which I now realise takes up every single weekend, oh well look at the bright side, at least I will have something to post on my blog next time!


Kim said...

Yeah!! Thanks Steph!! Glad to see a new post! Love ya!

Dano said...

Steph nicely done with the post. Jack Bauer would be proud of you!

Charlotte said...

Yay!!! I've been faithfully checking your blog every day and am sooo excited to read a new post! That is so cool that you got to meet Michael Buble! :D Sounds like March is going to be a good one ;) looking forward to hearing about it.