Friday, July 13, 2007

Well, hello once again!!!!! I have taken the time to write this blog in the cool comfort of my basement while the sun blazes at a 30 degrees outside. I'm not complaining about the heat because I love it, but sometimes it takes it's toll on you.... especially when you are outside for most of the day. And since talking about the beautiful weather I thought I might add some pictures of the place where I work outside all day long. Ahhh yes...the wonders of a paddling pool!! Note that I am not trying to advertise the pool in any way, I just thought others may want to know what it looks like to have pretty much the sweetest job ever :) The rainbow chair at the upper left hand corner is probably my favorite place...a nice place to sit in the sun and tan, but yet also a place to relax in the shade. And of course I cannot forget to add the picture of the glimmering blue water that just invites you to take a dip....and I did the vaccumming job....looks pretty clean eh? Hope you all have a fantasitc summer....even though you don't have this sweet job!!


Nathan & Rosanna Toews said...

You make me laugh! The paddling pool looks divine! Love the post and your cheery attitude. Keep having fun!

Charlotte said...

Wish I could join you for a dip in the pool! :)
Great post!

Yvonne said...

Hi Steph!
Just wanted to let you know that you've been tagged. Check my blog for more details:)