Friday, February 9, 2007

Zellers and Shopping Carts

Hey sorry that its been a while since I've updated this thing, but life has been busy. Not too busy but whenever it seems that I have a free moment to blog I forget about it or something else comes up.

This past weekend was Youth Advance, and a whole bunch of highschool kids came to Bethany for the weekend. It was really good, but after awhile I started to feel a little clausterphobic. Anyways my space is back now and I can finally actually move around freely in my room and everywhere else!!!! Other then the invasion of my privacy it was a good weekend...I especially enjoyed the music which was absolutely awesome thanks to our very own Bethany chapel band!

Enough about that, I thought that since I have really nothing especially exciting to report about I thought I might share an embarrassing story. This seems weird to me but I thought that others may find some enjoyment in my mishaps and maybe get a laugh or two out of it. So here it all started when some of my friends from Bethany and I decided to go shopping for the day in the city. After an afternoon of shopping we ended up going to Zellers for the last stop of the day. It just so happened that I was voted to push our cart around the store and which caused me some difficulty since it was very hard to manuver this gigantic cart around people...As you can probably guess as I was walking/pushing my way past a lady when my cart accidentlly go caught on rack of movie and to my dismay they all came tumbling to the floor! It also just so happened that some employees from Zellers where near by and they all saw it happen. My friends just stood there in unbelieve while I burst out in laughter!! It was quite the experience, a little embarrassing, but it was really funny...the clerks even offered to clean it up for me!!! Anyways I hope this story can add some joy to your day while I try to put my pride back together.....until next time, have a good one!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Good story Steph, I laughed!! It defintaly sounds like something a Kessler would do! I love you lots.