Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chocolates and Chick Flicks

Hey all you fellow people, how was your valentines day? Did you all end up doing something with a special someone?? While my valentines was pretty good; Some friends and I had a movie night at my place...what good times watching "Beauty and the Beast" while eating chocolate. I've decided that every valentines needs to consist of a good chick flick and chocolates, especially for us singles!! Well maybe I shouldn't say that I'm completely you can see in the picture that my man took me out for a nice date, we went to the school play and then afterward we enjoyed a lovely dessert of chocolate cake...half of which ended up all over him, but hey a woman likes a man who can be himself...Anyways I wish that really was true, but for real the little guy in the picture is a boy that I babysit for, he is the cutest thing ever and I love is when he calls me auntie Steph!!!

Life's been good though, just doing my college thing and doing homework and hanging out...not necessarily in that order!! I'm still wondering what I'm supposed to do in the summer and if I should go to hairdressing school in the fall, the list goes on and on. Ahhh, decisions, decisions...if only God would tell me exactly what I should be doing; then again I might decide to quit if I knew all the misadventures I'd have to endure to get there. Oh well, I'll survive like usual....although it wouldn't hurt for God to give me a little
hinty-hint!Anyways until next time...keep your stick on the ice!!!

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Hey Steph!
I just found your blog - looks you had a good looking date for Valentine's:) Looking forward to more posts!